Sunday, November 25, 2012


So it is just six days from my last post.  I am up 6 pounds from that post.  What happened?  So easy.  I made a plan that has proven to work for me and I walked away from the plan.  I did my spin classes. I did my running.  I decided there were days I wanted alcohol.  NASCAR championship?  The day before Thanksgiving?  Thanksgiving Day? 

I blog this because I want everyone who gains weight like me to recognize that we are making choices everyday.  My commitment to the health and the weight loss was clearly not quite strong enough.  It was the holidays and I have lots of excuses.  That is fine.  Today, I have to mentally readjust.  I cannot say in one week I will lose the six pounds.  I cannot plan to be under 200 lbs by the new year.  These are self defeaters before I begin. 

So, today I recommit.  (please know that I believe you can recommit every half hour if you need to)  This time, there is NO ALCOHOL as was supposed to be the plan all along.  I am committing to that until Christmas Eve and I will readjust or look at my choices for the holidays.  I love a glass of champagne with my family.  I am committing to 2 days of spin each week and at least 3 runs.  Those are easy commitments as I love both things.  I am committing to me.  I am committing to my body. 

I wonder how many people trying to commit to themselves are beating themselves up after the holiday. Stop the beatings!  Recommit.  We've Got this.  Be Strong!!!!!!

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