Sunday, November 25, 2012


So it is just six days from my last post.  I am up 6 pounds from that post.  What happened?  So easy.  I made a plan that has proven to work for me and I walked away from the plan.  I did my spin classes. I did my running.  I decided there were days I wanted alcohol.  NASCAR championship?  The day before Thanksgiving?  Thanksgiving Day? 

I blog this because I want everyone who gains weight like me to recognize that we are making choices everyday.  My commitment to the health and the weight loss was clearly not quite strong enough.  It was the holidays and I have lots of excuses.  That is fine.  Today, I have to mentally readjust.  I cannot say in one week I will lose the six pounds.  I cannot plan to be under 200 lbs by the new year.  These are self defeaters before I begin. 

So, today I recommit.  (please know that I believe you can recommit every half hour if you need to)  This time, there is NO ALCOHOL as was supposed to be the plan all along.  I am committing to that until Christmas Eve and I will readjust or look at my choices for the holidays.  I love a glass of champagne with my family.  I am committing to 2 days of spin each week and at least 3 runs.  Those are easy commitments as I love both things.  I am committing to me.  I am committing to my body. 

I wonder how many people trying to commit to themselves are beating themselves up after the holiday. Stop the beatings!  Recommit.  We've Got this.  Be Strong!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Praising our bodies

Sometimes when you are trying to reach a physically (and thereby mentally) healthier you, you can spend too long looking at the scale.  I am down 3 pounds since last I posted.   Yay, and yet...being down 3 pounds does not accurately represent all that my body has done for me since my last post.

This body got me to work without fail.  This body brought me to spin class and helped me spin my hardest and sleep the sleep of the happy after a good work out.  This body ran me 3.8 miles on Saturday and pushed me 3.1 miles on Sunday for my fastest 3.1 mile time of 38:42.

This body held me up when I cried, and put me to sleep when I didn't want to think anymore.  This body is amazing.  I do not have the kind of job where I am judged on how I look.  (Although, surely there are always people judging how we look.)  I am not sure why I only praise my own body when the scale says some magical number.

This body does amazing things for me everyday and I won't be able to take it with me when I go...and so, I choose to praise this body every single day.  No matter what the scale says. 

Notice what your body does for you today.

Be Strong!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Be Strong- but not always

In July I went on hiatus from this blog because my 44 year old sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  I was broken hearted and determined to be there for her as much as possible.  On September 10, 2012 my sister died.  I am still broken hearted....and yet...I am not broken.  

With my sister's diagnosis came a lot of anxiety for me.  This is not the place nor is it the time  (not ready to go there yet) for me to share all of that with you.  However, since the magical date I blogged about -March 11, 2012- I had gone down 30 lbs. and now, I am exactly half way between that and my starting weight.  Half way feels magical, too.  It is the moment I say to myself,  "Did I really change or am I the same person who won't believe how fat I am until my belly sits on my knees?"  If you remember previous posts you know I am not afraid to call out my weight of 223 lbs because I carry that weight into the world everyday.  I carry this friggin amazing body into the world everyday!!!  It is a body that has not failed me yet.  How honored and blessed that I am.  Perhaps now is a good time to mention that exactly one day after weighing in at 219, I ran a half marathon in 3 hours and 9 minutes!  They didn't ask my weight. They didn't care my weight. If I could run I was in!!!  And I ran!!!

So here I am today 15 pounds heavier than I was in the last post in July.  And yet, I am wiser, stronger, more gentle and more loving.  Win-Win.  I am ready to get back to the healthier version of me.  So,  what made me gain the 15 pounds?  Easy.  I started drinking alcohol again and I stopped exercising faithfully.  I exercised here and there.   2 things.  That is it.  Nothing more.  There are solid reasons for both those things happening. I am not here to make excuses.  I am not here to ease any guilt because I don't have any related to those two choices.  I am not even here to say that I slipped.  I didn't.  Life happened as it does.  It came at me hard and I made different choices than I had been making.  Today, I look at those choices and say...."yeah, they worked for right then but those aren't choice I want to hang onto long-term." 

And so I have stopped the alcohol for now.  I have started the spinning and the running again.  My goal is 3 miles 2 x a week and 5 miles once a week.  I will probably have to do a lot of that on the treadmill and although I don't love that idea, the idea of making the gym work for me is great.  Spinning will be 2 x a week.  I know I will have to fight the not wanting to even harder with the days getting darker much earlier.  Winter is a time where I have to watch myself like a hawk or I will fall into a place where I want to wear sweats, read a book, and drink hot stuff as soon as I get home! 

The good news is that I like the healthier me.  I like that I don't shy away from things that are hard.  I had never pushed my body beyond comfort zone and it is such a feeling of accomplishment to do that!  I keep thinking about and loving the  idea that the more weight I take off of this body the faster I will run without having to do ANYTHING else. 

Life will keep happening to us. Sometimes it will be gentle, but often it will hit hard!!!  It is okay if you get the wind knocked out of you.  Take time to catch your breath. When you are ready jump up and fight back!  Be Strong!  Be Gentle with you and those you meet along the way!